What are the challenges?
Is there room
in the film
industry for
with physical
Filmmakers with physical challenges have little to no representation in the filmmaking industry. Inclusion in all areas of society for people with physical and mental challenges, different races, sexual orientation, and so on has just begun. Thus, there are still groups that ought to be integrated in all areas of society. And one of those areas is the filmmaking industry, which has yet to open its doors for people with physical disabilities.

One of the challenges that a filmmaker who uses a wheelchair to move around must face, is the terrain where a film is taking place. For example, a mountain, a remote beach, a forest and other extreme type of environment. Mobility in challenging grounds makes the access for wheelchairs difficult, if not impossible. This situation limits the areas from where they can work. Thus, directing a movie in person from places like those described above, for example, is not feasible. However, there is the potentiality for changing with what the digital era has to offer.
For the last two years approximately, working form home is an option that more people are using. So, having filmmakers direction movies remotely is possible. This is a real opportunity for filmmakers with physical challenges, to expand the area from where they can direct their films. And ultimately, is an opportunity for the filmmaking industry to open its door to new talent.